All your pet needs in one place.
All groom prices are dependent upon
the size and temperament of the dog,
the condition of he coat and
the type of haircut.
Dog Grooming and Bath Options:
Full Groom: Full body detailed scissor and/or clipper work, bath, brush, blow out, nail grind, glands, ear cleaning including the removal of excess hair.
Partial Trim: Basic scissor work on face, feet and sanitary area, bath, brush, blow out, nail grind, glands.
Grooming is priced according to breed, style of groom, size, temperament and condition of coat.
Standard Bath: bath, light brush, blow out, nail trim, glands, ear cleaning.
Ultra Bath: de shedding to manage undercoat, bath, brush, blow out, nail trim, glands, ear cleaning.
Add Ons: medicated shampoo, shampoo upgrade, conditioner, tooth brush, blueberry facial, nail grinds.
Any dogs with fleas will be treated at owner’s expense.
Baths do not include de matting. Matted dogs will need to be set up by appointment with our experienced groomers.
Bathing cost are priced according to breed, size, temperament and condition of coat.
***Call for a price estimate. Groom and Bath estimates are be given by phone however, a more accurate estimate can be given in person with your dog.
Highmark Kennel/Kitty City
10210 Circle Drive.Austin, Texas 78736