About Us
Highmark Kennel/Kitty City
10210 Circle Drive.Austin, Texas 78736
Highmark Kennel
512.288.0515 (Tel)
512.301.3499 (Fax)
512.288.0847 (Kitty Hotline)
Highmark Kennel / Kitty City
Highmark Kennel/Kitty City is a family owned business that provides personal care and attention to your very special pet.
Owners are on the property at all times as well as
professional and skilled employees.
Highmark Kennel is a full service pet center with grooming, boarding, pet care products and more.
Schedule your pets services today!

Links and Interests
Held to the standards of the American Kennel Club:
the Austin Golden Retriever Club, AGRC, is a helpful resource in continuing education of the breed by providing breed events, speakers or seminars to its members. The AGRC is also an excellent puppy referral resource for potential companion homes.
We at GRAC advance and protect the interests of the breed through events, and education through organizations like
The Golden Retriever Foundation, research and Golden Retriever Rescue.